.band Domain

A partire da @
Mbrojtja Whois

Duke regjistruar një domain ju rrezikoni të ekspozoni emailin dhe numrin tuaj të telefonit në internet. Me këtë shërbim të dhënat tuaja personale janë të sigurta.

Menaxhimi i DNS Falas

Ofrojmë mundësine për të menaxhuar DNS për domenin tuaj pa pagesë. Përfshin URL Forwarding, dhe Email Forwarding gjithashtu.

Menaxhimi i Lehtë

Ju mund të ndryshoni me lehtësi nameserverat e domainit nga paneli ynë. Ju mund të përdorni nameserverat tanë falas ose të një Hosti tjetër.


Mbroni domeinin tuaj nga skadimi dhe humbja aksidentale duke mundësuar rinovimin automatik. Mund të ktheheni te rinovimi manual në çdo kohë.

About .band Domains

People go online to listen to music and discover new artists, and now there’s a domain name that makes it easy to grow your band’s online presence. A .BAND domain name instantly communicates to visitors that your site is music-focused, making it perfect for any musician’s official website.

Why choose a .BAND domain?

  • It can be difficult for newer artists to find available domain names that are an exact match for their band or stage names, especially in the .COM namespace. .BAND provides a new option for finding the perfect domain name to promote your music.
  • Many bands have registered domains like “artistnametheband.com.” You can simplify your online presence by switching to “bandname.band,” or you could forward a .BAND domain name to your existing site.
  • Established musicians should consider registering .BAND domain names to protect their brand and control their online presence.

How to use your .BAND domain

    Show what you do and share your music through a .BAND website.
    Tell followers about up and coming brands you love or just focus on news about your favorite.
    Highlight live performances or use a .BAND website as a discovery tool for listeners.
    Stand out from the competition with a domain name that is unique and memorable.