.video Domain

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Mbrojtja Whois

Duke regjistruar një domain ju rrezikoni të ekspozoni emailin dhe numrin tuaj të telefonit në internet. Me këtë shërbim të dhënat tuaja personale janë të sigurta.

Menaxhimi i DNS Falas

Ofrojmë mundësine për të menaxhuar DNS për domenin tuaj pa pagesë. Përfshin URL Forwarding, dhe Email Forwarding gjithashtu.

Menaxhimi i Lehtë

Ju mund të ndryshoni me lehtësi nameserverat e domainit nga paneli ynë. Ju mund të përdorni nameserverat tanë falas ose të një Hosti tjetër.


Mbroni domeinin tuaj nga skadimi dhe humbja aksidentale duke mundësuar rinovimin automatik. Mund të ktheheni te rinovimi manual në çdo kohë.

About .video Domains

Streaming video is a huge part of internet culture, and YouTube videos, Vimeo, animated GIFs, Vines, and other video content provide a never-ending vault of online entertainment. Now there’s a domain name that allows you to create a specific online space that’s instantly branded for video content: .VIDEO.

Why choose a .VIDEO domain?

  • Whether you’re creating a new website or you already have an online presence, .VIDEO is the ideal domain for creating a home for your video content. If you already have a video page on your website, you can register a .VIDEO domain name and use URL forwarding to redirect traffic to that page.
  • Video production companies and video professionals can use .VIDEO to create more specific and memorable domain names. Anyone who sees the .VIDEO domain name will associate your business or name with the term “video,” and will expect video content when they visit your website.
  • YouTube channel URLs are generated with random characters that make them difficult to remember. If you want to make your channel more memorable and shareable, you can register a .VIDEO domain name and forward it to your YouTube channel, or even to a specific video.

How to use your .VIDEO domain

    Use .VIDEO to create a more specific and memorable domain name to advertise your services and show off your work.
    Forward a custom .VIDEO domain to your channel so viewers can easily find and watch your videos.
    Create a distinctive area on your website for promotional or instructional video content.
    Form an online database of home videos that can be shared with friends and family from a single, easy-to-use place.